Advent Pt. 3 - Origins

I sat bewildered at what had just happened. I couldn't believe that Facebook had changed again. It all too often caves into the waves of change allowing its users to sit and complain about it for a moment and then get used to its new form. Yet this new form of Facebook completely alters social networking. You can now trace a person's life on this timeline all the way back to their birth. 
It's a shame how a lot of people can't do that. A lot of people can't trace their origins. 
While this new moralism is still preaching a gospel of peace and love, it is a peace and love with no foundation. Unlike how the Israelites can looks back on how God led them out of Egypt to justify their faithfulness and how Christians can look back on Christ's death and resurrection to justify their new life, new moralists can't look back on everything. Rather this new moralism is a synthesis of beliefs from different religions. 
So where are its origins?
I don't believe that Jesus came up with the moral structure explained in the Sermon on the Mount out of nowhere. If He did, then the flaws of His structure would have caved in over time. Yet it still has a firm foundation in society today. New moralists partake in this structure because they are still preaching the same gospel of love and peace. The only difference is that they have secularized it. An example would be someone would love their neighbor because they are a fellow American and not a creation of God or cause Jesus said so. Therefore, a rationality was introduced to justify their means.
One of the greatest threats to our philosophical age is the justification that rationality provides. 
People who partake in this new moralism seek to be justified in their own rationality rather than by God in their actions. But in doing so, they effectively deny their roots. 
The ironic thing is how rationality has actually blurred our origin instead of make it clearer. 
This Advent season, as we love, as we give, as we toil, as we do anything and everything under God's grace, we need to realize that we are only doing that because of our origins. If God didn't send His Son, then we wouldn't be celebrating Christmas. If God didn't send His Son, then we would have no reason to love and to give this season. 
So there is a way to redeem the secularization of the Advent season and that is to reconnect the new moralism that has doused our culture to its origins in Jesus Christ. 

"Let them give thanks to the Lord
for His unfailing love
and His wonderful deeds for men."
-Psalm 107: 8, 15, 21, 31


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