Redemption Pt. 2

Everybody keeps talking about the possibility of a zombie apocalypse in the future. They make jokes about who their zombie apocalypse team is gonna be, or where they would hide. People have gone so far enough as to even build zombie-proof shelters! Well guess what? People should open their eyes and see that the zombie apocalypse might have well already happened. Now before you ditch your computer and take shelter, let me explain.

You see, it is my idea that every single person knows that there is something wrong. There is something wrong deep inside of man. They can't watch a murder story on the 5 o' clock news and think that everything is just peachy. They know that there is something wrong and whether their too proud to admit it is a whole different story.
Here's whats wrong. We are a bloodthirsty people, much like zombies. We are a primitive, backwards, and bloodthirsty people feeding on the blood of others much like the truck driver and the car driver. Their desire was for blood to be shed and for them to drink from that. But fear not people! There is an antidote to this zombie apocalypse.
Here's the solution: Jesus Christ steps down from Heaven in His magnificence and gives His own blood so that a primitive people won't thirst anymore. His blood floods our inadequacy and exchanges it for righteousness. And there it is, our thirst is satisfied. But much like that scene from I Am Legend (A Will Smith movie about zombies. I highly suggest it!) where the zombies are scared of the light, we see the path of righteousness the Son has laid out for us, but its scary. So then, still stuck on our cancer of depravity, envelop the lie that our primitive ways of self-sufficiency are enough and turn the other way. We continue to shed the innocent blood of others seeking to be satisfied in our soul, but its never enough. 
And thats what ignorance and pride does to us. It makes us blind to the solution and therefore, keep buying into the problem.
But here is the big question of the day: how much blood should be shed for the ignorance of a primitive people?
I cry in my soul because I know that there was an obvious solution to the day that man decided to kill Kurt Wyman. And that was for that man to be shaken of his ignorance instead of seeking the blood of an innocent person. Though his ignorance shed the blood of another, there was a beautiful picture amongst that scene the day Kurt Wyman died. And that was this: Kurt was the solution. He was someone bearing the fragrance of Christ, or the knowledge of the glory of God. He was letting his light shine. But much like the zombie from I Am Legend, the man was scared. Through his fear of the light came his ignorance of Kurt trying to save his life, so he took Kurt's. 
Many people ask, why does God allow pain in this world? Well I feel like many Christian theologians, writers, preachers, etc. etc. have realized that God would reply with the right question, why do you allow pain in this world.
The beautiful thing about Kurt is that he was someone who plugged himself into the redemptive work of God on this earth. His life was not in vain.
In the next part I will talk about plugging into God's redemptive work as a church and discuss my plans to live that out this semester and for a lifetime.


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