
I had the pleasure of recently seeing a psychologist at work. There was a girl who was having a panic attack, and the psychologist just majestically entered into the room and was like, "Where is she?" We pointed him her way where she was just crouched down in the corner. The next action of his surprised me. Instead of him grabbing the readily accessible chair, he crawled down on the floor with her. And in his silence, he comforted her.
This is how I relate God's faithfulness to His people. 
It doesn't really make sense to me when people try to define God's faithfulness. If you ask someone what having the faithfulness of an all powerful being means to them, they are completely stumped. For the few who do give an answer, they give an answer to how God is faithful in His physical provision. For instance, they would say: I know God is faithful because He provided me with a job when I was in need. He gave me the money I need to do this event. He provided Noah with an ark. He led Moses and his people out of Egypt. He allowed David to capture Jerusalem. He provided. These are all physical testaments to God's faithfulness, but what if there wasn't anything physical to testify to God's faithfulness? Would you say that God is still faithful? Of course He is! 
One of the many beauties of an all powerful God is that His providence is a direct result of His faithfulness to us. To add to that, His providence knows no bounds. That means that even though we aren't given tangible evidence of His providence, He is still faithful.
It is just like the psychologist. He didn't provide anything to the girl. He didn't even say a word. But he was still there for her, even when she didn't ask him to be. 
Yet much of the world still operates in a manner which says if there is no physical evidence, how can I know you are faithful? 
For example, I told one of my friends that I would be at this reunion with a bunch of friends. Now my faithfulness to my friend is at stake here. Lo and behold, in the craziness and haste of reality, I simply forget about this event and I am not there for my friend. My faithfulness is shattered because I was not able to provide my presence at this event. My faithfulness to my friend is discredited because I was not able to physically provide my presence.
But this is not true of God.
Not only does He provide His presence at all times, but He is also faithful in Spirit.
One thing that doesn't make sense to me in how this world operates is that we judge too much by exterior. For instance, my faithfulness to my friend is completely gone in my friend's view because I couldn't physically provide my presence, but if my friend looked past that they would see that I would always affirm him in his spirit. I would always seek to build him up in love. I would always acknowledge him as a child of God and treat him fairly out of reverence and respect for my God.
You see, God doesn't have to provide something physical or tangible to prove that He's faithful. He is for us, not against us, meaning He always will affirm us in our spirit. And for the unbeliever who still needs to see physical evidence for God's faithful nature, check out Jesus Christ's death certificate. And once you snap out of ignorance and step into the Kingdom perspective, recognize that there is no death certificate because He is alive!
Rather we have the certificate of His death and resurrection engraved on the tablet of our hearts, and that is the greatest example we have to God's faithful nature. For it says in Ephesians 1:3, we have been given every spiritual blessing in Christ. 
What does this mean? It means that we have every tool possible to recognize God's faithfulness towards us!
The reason I am bringing up faithfulness now is because it troubles my heart how a lot of people aren't willing to return the favor to God. He is faithful to us, so why can't we even strive to be faithful to Him despite our flawed nature?
One of the many reasons I have come up with is because ignorance has blinded a desperate people to only seek the physical evidence of His faithfulness. In a world judged by sight and not by faith, its hard to trust to anything. Even an all-powerful God! But thank God that His faithfulness is not contingent on our faith as it says in Romans 3:3-4.
If anything, God's faithfulness pierces through our ignorance and keeps calling us back.
God has already fulfilled a promise to His people by giving His only Son to die for us on the cross so that by believing in Him we will receive the salvation of our souls. But in this promise is another promise. You see, we have received righteousness and have been deemed blameless before our Lord through our faith in Christ Jesus. And if we turn to Scripture we see that Paul writes in his letters that God will keep us blameless (1 Thess. 5:23, 1 Cor. 1:8). So not only does He promise us a way for salvation, but He also promises us that He will keep us in the faith. God's faithfulness testifies to the fact that He keeps us.
So what does this mean? A helpless people falling out of the faith or not reaping the fruit of the faith is our fault, not God's, because God promises to keep us, and He is faithful to His promise. It is out of our own ignorance, out of our own unfaithfulness, that we fail to see the fruit of God's faithfulness.
Much like the psychologist, God doesn't have to give us something to testify to His faithful nature. He has already given His Son and in that, He has allowed us to have access to Him, the best Psychologist in the universe! If you have trouble seeing God's faithful nature, go see the Psychologist cause He's definitely in business and always has been!
So this is a wake up call for the ignorant nature of needing to see something physical to prove God's faithfulness. The mere fact that you're still in the faith is testament enough that He is faithful. And if you're an unbeliever, its never too late to reap the fruit of a faithful God, someone who won't let you down like anyone here on earth. Let us open our eyes to how faithful our God is, and let us respond with faithfulness to His commands and His ways.


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