The Struggle of Dust Pt. II

How has life become devalued to the point where we long to establish meaning for ourselves? It is because we look to different foundations to provide meaning to life. For instance, science.

Science works in a different realm than religion does. We are not to use it to solve any purpose outside its intended purpose, much like I don't use math to solve why I'm going to hang out with my friends. Science works in the realm of providing understanding for the "whats" of life, not the "whys." It is the same for its brothers, history and math. 
If we use math to solve the question of life, then life merely becomes a set of numbers and equations. Relationships deem its value in cost and we ourselves inherit a price tag to define the cost of life. 
If we use history to solve the question of life, then life becomes a continuous effort of not repeating itself. We define the present and the future by the past and any opportunity for anything new becomes shadowed by a fear that it was never accomplished in the past. 
If we use science to solve the question of life, then life becomes nothing but matter strung together by chance. If each of these instances, life is devalued.
But then enters the disciplines by which we can express life. Such disciplines are Art (paintings and music), English (works of literature), and Philosophy. Now Religion in all of this becomes a glue that holds these disciplines together in a life-giving manner. If Science took the place of Religion is expressing itself through the disciplines, then we find it not promoting life. Instead, it'll promote that matter with no purpose defines us. But Religion holds all these disciplines together in a way that when we see its expression, our self might be edified and uplifted with hope. It fulfills the purpose of the disciplines.
For life expressed through Art, God is the culmination of colors into a masterpiece, the canvas, and the painter. For life expressed through English, God is the period at the end of the sentence that makes it complete. For life expressed through Philosophy, God is the Ultimate Truth to be reasoned with.
In Part III I will discuss another way in which we define meaning in life and conclude.


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