The Struggle of Dust Pt. III

So if we can't use science to give life meaning, then what about ideals such as love, peace, the pursuit of happiness?

If we look at our culture, we find these ideals being expressed through the disciplines we have discussed in the previous part. Especially in music! But are we to use the Arts as an illustration for what our general culture really cries out and yearns for? Because if we do, then there is our answer for why we aren't suppose to look for these ideals to define meaning for us.
These ideals were created to have a foundation. If we preach these ideals to be the answer without any sort of foundation, then they become transformed and manipulated as we see in the Arts.
For instance, if love is the answer for meaning in life, then why is it expressed through the disciplines as lust and indulgence in sensual satisfaction outside of the sanctity of marriage? Why does it portray the degradation of women as being love?
If power is the answer, then why is it expressed as a manipulation of the weak and poor? Why is it expressed as the collection of money for selfish gain?
And if peace is the answer, then why is it portrayed in so many different lenses? Why isn't it expressed as being one core ideal achieved through one way? And most of the times (at least what I see), why isn't it expressed at all? We see peace become meshed together with ideals of love and power, which say, if we fall in love then there will be peace or if we obtain power then there will be peace.
There is no peace within the wandering heart. Through the disciplines it is as if we have forced down the real reticent cries of our heart- cries for significance and for foundation. 
We are but dust wandering the air longing for a foundation to give us significance. This foundation we long for is not defined by abstract ideals or science. But rather, it is defined by being greater than us. In being dust, we find our significance by resting on the foundation that is bigger than us.
For me, all I am is defined by my foundation in Christ. I wish not to commit forgery on the signature of life by claiming it as my own. And when all eyes are on me, I wish not to commit perjury by living like it is. And now as you read this, I wish not to commit plagiarism by claiming this work as my own, but rather as literature inspired by the One who gave me meaning.

The Struggle of Dust Pt. II

How has life become devalued to the point where we long to establish meaning for ourselves? It is because we look to different foundations to provide meaning to life. For instance, science.

Science works in a different realm than religion does. We are not to use it to solve any purpose outside its intended purpose, much like I don't use math to solve why I'm going to hang out with my friends. Science works in the realm of providing understanding for the "whats" of life, not the "whys." It is the same for its brothers, history and math. 
If we use math to solve the question of life, then life merely becomes a set of numbers and equations. Relationships deem its value in cost and we ourselves inherit a price tag to define the cost of life. 
If we use history to solve the question of life, then life becomes a continuous effort of not repeating itself. We define the present and the future by the past and any opportunity for anything new becomes shadowed by a fear that it was never accomplished in the past. 
If we use science to solve the question of life, then life becomes nothing but matter strung together by chance. If each of these instances, life is devalued.
But then enters the disciplines by which we can express life. Such disciplines are Art (paintings and music), English (works of literature), and Philosophy. Now Religion in all of this becomes a glue that holds these disciplines together in a life-giving manner. If Science took the place of Religion is expressing itself through the disciplines, then we find it not promoting life. Instead, it'll promote that matter with no purpose defines us. But Religion holds all these disciplines together in a way that when we see its expression, our self might be edified and uplifted with hope. It fulfills the purpose of the disciplines.
For life expressed through Art, God is the culmination of colors into a masterpiece, the canvas, and the painter. For life expressed through English, God is the period at the end of the sentence that makes it complete. For life expressed through Philosophy, God is the Ultimate Truth to be reasoned with.
In Part III I will discuss another way in which we define meaning in life and conclude.

The Struggle of Dust

My eye stood fixated upon a light background. As my pupils adjusted to the variance of light, I could see dust hairs floating in the open expanse of air. They floated round seeking a place to establish its residence.

This is the struggle of dust. It wanders the air longing for significance. But the only way for it to be significant is if it gathers on a foundation that holds.
Considering this, there is truth in the statement where God says in Genesis 3:19, "For dust you are and to dust you will return." How long has the struggle of humanity been characterized by a longing for significance? We want to see ourselves as something more than dust, but oddly, our significance comes in the stunning revelation that dust is all we are. 
But to acknowledge ourselves as dust is to acknowledge something greater than ourselves. For if all dust wants is to perch its weary, wandering head on a place where it can truly rest, than that place, that foundation, must be significantly greater than ourselves.
I, just one spec of dust, used to be a Film major. And while I was a Film major, I found that the way a shot in a movie is set up plays a role into how we are to interpret the scene. For instance, we are to interpret a shot of a person looking into a mirror as a person examining him or herself. Two people separated by some barrier in the shot is suppose to signify the struggle of their separation. But then I switched to a Philosophy and Religion major and I found the same concept echoed in my studies. What if our present reality is set up in such a way that it plays a role into how we are to interpret life?
But to consider this would mean that we have to acknowledge that life has meaning. This is where the struggle of dust is fed into by: the dust longs for significance because of a prevailing belief that life has no meaning so they have to establish meaning for themselves. Somewhere along the line, life has become devalued. 
In Part II I will talk about how life has become devalued.

Standing Upon A Grave Of Dirt: An Imperfect Recollection of a Perfect Rescue

The sun beamed down upon that hill of green. A warm wind brushed against me, moving the blades of grass in its path. They danced from side to side in a joyful jubilation that gave life to the hill. This hill had surely been given new life since I last stood upon it. And now, here I am, years later, standing again on this hill.
As I stood there, I started to think how I’ve regrettably taken the idea of standing for granted. For the last time I was on this hill, I was laid down. I was laid down in shame. The inability to stand ripped me of my humanity. Imagine having the knowledge that you could stand, but you were oppressed to the point where all you were capable of doing was lying down. The idea of being able to stand but not doing so deprived me of all my human nature claimed I was capable of. So naturally, I must have not been human.
And then, just when I thought my shame could not elevate anymore, I was placed below the ground. It is with great distaste that I say this, but I was placed within a coffin below the ground, left to die. I find it funny that my lowest point in life was that when I was lower than the ground I walk on. Yet there was nothing funny about the situation. At that one point in time, I was ripped of not only my humanity but also my state of being. The only way that I could have let that harm beat its swollen fists upon me was if I was dead, and did not exist at all.
My captors mocked me, scorned me, despised me, and beaten me. In their hatred they sought to snatch everything I had: my pride, my humanity, and my life. They made me dig my own grave that fateful night I was last on this hill. I grasped the shovel, the tool of my demise, with clenched fists curling in anger against them. But as I dug myself deeper in the dirt, I found that in my inability to be human, I could feel no anger against them. Instead, I placed myself below them, numb to the pain inflicted upon me.
The next thing I knew, I was in my wooden coffin, laid below layers of dirt. I had been buried “alive.” But was I really alive? For if four walls surround me, and I have no hope of anything outside these four walls, then surely I am dead. There below the dirt, there was no hope of breathing the fresh air again. There was no hope of feeling light beat upon my skin. There was no hope, period.
At first, I began to panic. With my limited breath, I screamed and yelled. But I found with my limited air supply that the more breath I used to yell, the more I was suffocating myself.
Then I began to beat against the lid of the coffin. But the sound was being soaked up in the layers of dirt. I was merely exhausting my energy in vain.
My mouth was painfully dry from all this useless work. The only sustenance I had was the sweat dripping off my forehead. Yet this sweat was dripping down to the base of the coffin. I tipped my head up for the sweat to flow to my mouth, but as I knocked my head against the lid, the sweat dripped back down to where it was useless.
At this point, I cried, not out of seeking another source of water, but out of utter hopelessness. As tears gushed down my face, I found the last thing that made me human escape me. The tears would soon dry up and I would be left a hopeless shell of a being.
It was then that I sought to grow familiar with my surroundings. The only family I had beneath the earth was the dirt that enveloped me. My brother was dirt, my sister was dirt, my mother was dirt, my father was dirt, and I was dirt.
Despair soon turned to a realization of the present situation. I had no hope of anything outside my coffin, so I was dead inside. Dead to any hope, which I was frantically trying to grasp while in my coffin, yet all of that was just a vain effort to feel human. I was not human. I was dirt.
But then, I heard a shuffle above. Could this be? Was someone walking above me? A shred of hope entered me, and with that I began to move. But it was a limited movement, for I was still confined within my coffin.
The shuffling above the dirt turned to what sounded to me like thunder banging upon the clouds. The dirt was now giving way to light, which crept through the crevices of my wooden coffin. I moved more, but my movement, my exerted effort, led to my destruction. My mind slipped away with my breath, and I was no more. Or so I thought.
The next sight I laid my eyes upon was a blurry figure shadowed by the blanket of night. He or she had filled my lungs full of air, so now I was able to breathe for myself. I held onto this air that wasn’t mine with hopes that it would rejuvenate my mind long enough to see the face of my rescuer. Yet I was unable to.
And that is all I remember of that incident. At first I tried to shut it out of my mind to be forever lost in an abyss where trauma establishes its residence. But then I sought to hold on to it. Why you might ask? Because it gave me a new revelation of this ground I walk on. I stand because Someone brought me out of where I was laid down. I breathe to live because Someone gave me breath to live. I am human because Someone revived my humanity when they saw me worthy enough to come out of the dirt.
The grave where I lied was no longer an evident monument. The mound of dirt was replaced with the life of grass teeming over it. As I stood witness to this sight, my bare feet dug into the dirt, almost as a means to establish myself back to that moment. The moment where I was no different than the dirt. But now I stand upon the glory that Someone saw me, or sees me, as different. And with that conviction, I walked away from that site. I walked away with my toes clasping the dirt and head held high towards the heavens.